Posts Tagged ‘opportunity’

Setback. It’s just a word, but one that, depending on how you react to it, can be devastating, damaging and demeaning.

A setback is defined as a reversal or check in progress. It’s often life’s way of knocking you on your ass and seeing if you get up from it.

I prefer a different word – opportunity. When bad things happen in our lives they often catch us off guard, disorient us for a while, make us take stock of life. But I don’t label these as setbacks. I label them opportunities – a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.

On Nov. 30, due to budget cuts, I lost my job as Communication coordinator at The Galena Territory Association (GTA). I was there for four years, my first professional foray out of journalism in order to have better hours to be with what at the time was a new family.

I was completely blindsided by the move, and in a way, I’m still in shock. The GTA was a great company to work for, and my supervisors were caring people who were there for me when my mom and brother died in the span of nine months and when I went through my recent divorce. I couldn’t have asked for a more supportive work environment.

Is it a setback to not have a job? Yes, of course. Thoughts creep in about not being able to provide for my daughter, having to sell my home, not being able to pay for bills. But every day since my unexpected job loss, I’ve viewed it as an opportunity, to find a new place to work where I can put my skills to good use, a chance to connect with a job that truly makes me happy and allows me to contribute to a greater cause.

I have been applying for jobs at a rapid clip and have taken the unexpected free time to reconnect to some hobbies and activities I enjoy. It’s an opportunity to reset my life, and I’m going to take advantage of it.

In the past three years, I have had other opportunities to reassess, and they have all proved positive. Setbacks are opportunities.

In September 2015 after my mom died, I reflected on my life and appreciate more than ever where I came from and how I became the man I am today.

In June 2016 when my brother committed suicide, I determined what I was and wasn’t willing to put up with in my own life, and to eliminate or contain the stressors that were strains on my happiness.

In April 2018 when my second marriage was obviously nearing its end, I created my guide for living, 11 rules that I try to follow every day.

In August 2018 after the divorce was final, a woman I had never met messaged me, we believe via divine intervention. She’s been an amazing part of my life since and has taught me so much about myself.

Does losing my job suck? Yes. But do I now have an opportunity to further make my life the way I want it? Yes, and I intend to fully take advantage of it.

Onward and upward.