Posts Tagged ‘grandmother’


Emma Lebban is on the right.

Transcendent Paranormal Society has investigated many locations in the 13 months since we split off to form our own team.

It’s thoroughly satisfying when we can help a client with activity in their home. We have been blessed to do that many times.

It’s exhilarating when we catch a piece of evidence that is then validated, not through what that evidence reveals, but validated by factual information. We’ve had a couple instances of that happening, and the latest was in August at a reveal of our July 27 investigation of the 52 Building in Lancaster, Wis.

As part of a reveal, we talk about personal experiences that weren’t caught by evidence. One of the staff members who worked in the 52 Building talked about how during part of her group’s investigation, they were in the old kitchen. Kelly, a guest investigator who is also a medium, picked up on a spirit named Emma who was running things in the kitchen and thought the group members were getting in the way.

One of the women in the audience at the reveal was Jeni Oyen. She came because she was intrigued by what we would find at the building. After the staff member shared her personal experience, Jeni spoke up. She knew an Emma who worked at the 52 Building.

“My great grandma Emma Lebban is from Beetown and worked in the kitchen of the county home, I believe her entire adult life until retirement. My grandma was a wonderful, kind soul but she was very matter of fact about things.

When I heard someone mention that they had asked if Emma wanted them to leave and she replied with ‘We’re cooking here’ that would for sure be something she would say, and I can hear her voice saying it in my head.

Grandma was a very hard worker and enjoyed for the most part working in the kitchen. She actually handed that trait down to my grandma (her daughter) because my grandmother was a cook for the Lancaster schools her entire adult life until retirement.

I’m sure Grandma Lebban wanted the investigators to come help her in the kitchen but probably soon realized they were more in her way, then got irritated.”

Investigators had no knowledge of Emma beforehand. Jeni’s information validated this piece of evidence for us. Truly amazing. We love it when stories like this come out and back up the evidence. It’s motivation to keep doing what we’re doing.